Wrapping up the Month

Hey everyone this is Hunter Pangia back at it with another blog and I hope everyone is having a tubular Thursday.Today I have been doing some finishing touches on the opening sequence for my amazing short film. I have mainly been using the software capcut for my editing and it's working pretty well. Since it is a free platform it's not as advanced as I would like it to be. It's mainly used for a lot of small tiktokers to edit their videos but it works for me. I've been debating on the shade of color my film should be in and I was thinking of some options. I thought a grainy filter would be nice to fit the beginning of the film. After editing for a while I got hungry and went to Chipotle. I got me a good burrito bowl to charge me up for my continued efforts on my project. I was discussing with my peers and all of us agreed that the music used will probably be some corny soundtrack. I want to capture the comedy in the film so using a humorous song is important. I have bee...