A date it set!

 Hey everyone this is Hunter Pangia back with another blog and welcome back! After some careful planning and discussion with my group, a date to continue filming is set. The entire group came to a general consensus that tho is upcoming Sunday is the best time for all of us to continue filming. The goal is to knock out most of the film that day so I can get to editing and touching up the short film as needed. I also have to work with my group and establish social media pages and flyers to promote our film. My philosophy is that if no one knows about our film then how will the audience watch it. Furthermore, if no one watches the film, then what was the point in giving effort to generate this amazing short film. I don't make films because I want to enjoy them. The main reason for me wanting to produce media projects is for the audiences' enjoyment. I'm all for then fans and if the fans are happy then I'm happy. Moving on, in the time I haven't been working on this project I was wrestling at the regional championship. I didn't get the results I wanted but I'm proud the season I had. Now, when I'm not producing films I'll be on track throwing the discus and shot put. This is a little more laid back than wrestling and this is good for me because sometimes people need a break. Despite all of this I'm really excited to continue filming. It's been long enough and I've been getting bored of waiting. Kazmin, Naura and I also have arranged rides so everyone can get to the location, being my home. The house should be empty as well which will allow us to be less distracted and more focused on filming. I have had a great time blogging today but I think it's time to wrap it up. I'm excited for what I have planned for my next blog! This is Hunter Pangia, signing out. Peace out. See ya later. 


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