Getting back on my feet!

Hey everyone this is Hunter Pangia signing in and welcome back to my blog. In today's blog I will be explaining what the filming plans will look like moving forward and where I'm at with the film. After it got cancelled, I was devastated so I didn't really do much the weekend after the day my group and I was supposed to film. Anayah and Billy were out of town so I couldn't really communicate with them so I kept contact with Robert. In short he said that we'll be fine but before you know it the film will be due so production must start. Earlier in the week I spoke with my group and there was an agreement that the filming can either happen this Sunday or next Sunday as well as the following day. If the opportunity opens up filming will start sooner but only time will tell. The main thing that's holding us back is Robert's schedule because he works on the Friday's and Saturday's while I have track practice during the week. I have already set up product...