Where I've been

Hey everyone this is Hunter Pangia and welcome back to my blog! Recently I have not been in school because of Thanksgivng break. I have been taking this time to relax, have fun, and prepare myself for this music video. In today's blog, I will be telling you what I did over this break. The weekend going into break I visited Universal Studios Orlando resort. When I was there, I went to all of the theme parks. Universal also had a Holiday parade going on so this was a perfect time for me to observe and take notes for what I could do for my music video. I observed that in order to have a good music video, I need a lot of lights and decorations. The music is also a key factor for a music video which is why I have the perfect song. While I was there I also went on plenty of thrillers called roller coasters. My favorite ride was the Velocicoaster for one reason. It started pouring down rain and they didn't shut the ride down so I was able to go on it in the front row. It was the craz...