I'm Back!

 Hey everyone this is Hunter Pangia clocking in and welcome back to my blog! I know it's been a while but I've been taking a break because I finished creating my pre-workout commercial not so long ago. That project was an eye-opening experience and I'm ready to move on to bigger and better things. Recently, I've been playing football in season and it's been rough but I'm getting through it. My team went on a four-game losing streak and we weren't bound for the playoffs. We kept fighting and won our last two games to clinch a spot in the 7th seed so I'm looking forward to my game this week. The school has been pretty hard because I've been getting a load of homework from teachers. With football, I end up doing all my work late at night which has been taking a toll on my mental health. I haven't been playing piano recently because of how busy I've been, which I miss doing. I usually work out as well but since I've been playing football I haven't been doing much of that either. Working on that commercial took a lot of time and effort so that break was much needed. The holidays are coming up so I have to start thinking of things I may want. I was thinking maybe an Ipad or something because I could use that to edit my videos. With the holidays coming up, this is a great time to create another project which is exactly what I will be doing. That's right, the next project I will be working on is a music video! Right now I'm not sure if I want to have a regular music video or something to go along with the holidays but I will decide later. I could go for a Thanksgiving type of music video or a Christmas video. The more challenging option would probably be creating your stereotypical music video because lots of things are required to make that happen. I personally enjoy a lot of hip-hop music so I would like to have the music video. I may get out of my comfort zone for a great music video but only time will tell. Well, that wraps up another blog. This is Hunter Pangia signing out and I'll see everyone with another one!


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