Back with the squad...
Hey everyone! This is Hunter Pangia signing in and welcome back to another blog! In today's blog, I will be explaining my group for this upcoming music video. Last time my group consisted of Anayah, Robert, and Billy and I had a very successful project. The only issue at hand was making sure everyone did what they had to do on time but I made it work. I'm going to put that aside and work with this wonderful group again for this music video. As I have said before Robert is really good at recording and editing videos and if you saw our commercial you would know. Anayah has been doing a great job of staying on the same page as me allowing the rest of the group to follow along in my footsteps. Billy has been slacking recently mainly due to how tiring the last project was. I'm picking this group once again because I personally feel like I did a great job. Not everyone believed in me but I worked hard and did something I believe no other groups could do. What I did was film a commercial that I believe is the best commercial made by a beginner. Moving on I am now working on a music video. The song I have choose is Santa Claus is coming to town by The Jackson Five. I chose this song because I believe I can create a warm, kids' story from this song. I will be able to integrate a lot of cross-cutting from this song. This is because the song describes different scenarios in one verse which will allow me to do that. I can also have some fun costumes to wear as well to get into the season. The pan shots that I can integrate would also create a sense of emptiness to be fulfilled by Christmas. These are all just ideas but this will be the song I am using. I'm looking forward to improving and building on what I have learned from the last project. I trust my group and I know my group and I will do a great job once again. Well, this is Hunter Pangia. clocking out and I'll be back with another blog.
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