The film is complete !
Hey everyone this is Hunter Pangia from D to the A, and welcome back to another blog. As you can see from the title , I am not lying , the film is completed . After long hours of sweat, no blood, and tears I have done the impossible . It was late night last night editing , but this is quite some masterpiece . The film just looks spotless , the transitions are seamless. Not only is it seamless, it's hilarious. I could not stop laughing when I was watching the final product. I am so excited to see this film on the big screen in just two days! I've spent countless hours advertising and making sure I can spread some joy to the world through my film. The most exciting part is the end so be ready for that! I want to bring this on home and make show something people will remember . I have a big SAT test tomorrow but I had to make sure everything was in order for this film . I wanted to have some more time to review for the SAT but I worked on the film for the best interest of my fans. Everything I do is for my fans and I can't express my love for all of you . I am really grateful for the entire process and I've enjoyed every bit of it. The editing is so good . The filming process was stressful but I made it through with my group. The day is coming close and I'm at peace . This wraps up my filming process and I'll see you all with the next blog. This is Hunter pangia and I'm out . Peace.
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