Guess who's back
Hey everyone! I know I've been off the radar for quite some time but I am back and better than ever. I am now in A level and this year I am working on creating a full 5 minute short film. I will most likely be switching groups this year as I will discuss this next year. Here's a little bit about me and what I've been up to. I am now a junior and have completed my junior football season going 2-7 which was unfortunate but I like to stay positive. I had a nice relaxing summer and am now in full swing this year with all of my AP's that I am taking. I'm very involved in sports and am now doing wrestling once again. I've been very hard working these past weeks and I've been excelling in school like I've always had. As I have been maturing in this field of media I've been observing many films which has motivated me to do bigger things this year. My friend Harrison recently created a stop motion film all by himself called 'A Swan Story' and won a film convention locally. In this off time I've been working with him to learn more about film and what goes into it in regards to not having a large number of people to help produce a short film. Right now my wrestling season had recently started. I've been doing exceptionally well and I'm really loving my teams energy. I just wont my first few matches and I've lost some. One thing that has been sticking with me is that sometimes you have to lose to win. I have been applying this in a multitude of ways. One way this can be applied is in media. Sometimes films fail and that's just part of the learning process. That's it for me today and I hope everyone has enjoyed my catch up. This is Hunter Pangia, signing out.
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