Some Changes
Hey everyone this is Hunter Pangia signing in and welcome back to another blog! This weekend has been hectic to say the very least. Plans have changed for the music video slightly, the weekend was fun, until I got food poisoning. Nothing will stop me from moving forward and improving, however. So with all that being said, in today's blog, I will be explaining everything I listed. First of all, my group and I have had to move the date back for the music video filming to the day after we regularly scheduled. My group and I can't film at our regularly scheduled time mainly because of my cameraman, Robert. My friend Robert has work from 7.PM to 5 A.M at a food truck on Friday night and Saturday night. The day I'm supposed to film is Saturday so there is an issue with that. I am trying to produce a high-quality music video so it would be no good for my cameraman not to have the proper rest. Proper sleep is important for this type of job because you need the proper focus to be able to record the perfect angles at a high level. I feel bad for Robert but I know that this situation will get better. Besides that, I had a great weekend. The first thing I did was a volunteer at a car wash for my track team. I have started track recently and this was a great way to bond and make some money. At least 50 cars came to the car wash and it was a lot of work indeed. Right after my car wash finished I went out on a boat with my friends down this place called Las Olas in Fort Lauderdale. I went through the intercoastal and saw a lot of nice lots. I also ate a great meal at this place where you can get there by boat. The next day I went to a different church because my sister had to volunteer there. After I went to church I worked out, did some homework, and ate a great meal, well so I thought. The day after I ate my "great meal" which was prime rib, I got severe food poisoning. I ended up throwing up a handful of times and I ended up going home from school early. This set a major setback for me; I will have a major comeback. I am excited to bounce back and film this week. That wraps up another blog and this is Hunter Pangia signing out.
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